


let Workbooks () =
    let ret =  XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfWindows, Array.empty)
    let arr = ret :?> obj [,]
    let list = [ for i in 0..(arr.GetLength(1)-1) -> arr.[0,i] :?> string ]
    let si = seq { 1..100 }
    let getwb i s = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetWorkbook, i, s)
    let workbooks =
        list |> List.map (fun s ->
            [| for i in 1..100 ->
                if i <> 34 then getwb i s
                else "" :> obj |]
    let logw s = LogDisplay.WriteLine("{0}", [|s|])
    |> List.iter (fun wins ->
        |> Array.iteri (fun i o ->
            let cell = new ExcelReference(i, 0)
            let value =
                if i = 34 then ""
                else (sprintf "%A" o)
            cell.SetValue(value) |> ignore


type Discription
1 ファイル名を含めた相対名表記のシート名一覧を取得
2 This will always return the #N/A error value.
3 The names of the currently selected sheets in the workbook, as a horizontal array of text values.
4 The number of sheets in the workbook.
5 TRUE if the workbook has a routing slip; otherwise, FALSE.
6 The names of all of the workbook routing recipients who have not received the workbook, as a horizontal array of text values.
7 The subject line for the current routing slip, as text.
8 The message text for the routing slip, as text.
9 If the workbook is to be routed to recipients one after another, returns 1. If it is to be routed all at once, returns 2.
10 TRUE, if the Return When Done check box in the Routing Slip dialog box is selected; otherwise, FALSE.
11 TRUE, if the current recipient has already forwarded the current workbook; otherwise, FALSE.
12 TRUE, if the Track Status checkbox in the Routing Slip dialog box is selected; otherwise, FALSE.
13 Status of the workbook routing slip: 0,1,2
14 TRUE, if the workbook structure is protected; otherwise, FALSE.
15 TRUE, if the workbook windows are protected; otherwise, FALSE.
16 Name of the workbook as text. The workbook name does not include the drive, directory or folder, or window number.
17 TRUE if the workbook is read only; otherwise, FALSE. This is the equivalent of GET.DOCUMENT(34).
18 TRUE if sheet is write-reserved; otherwise, FALSE. This is the equivalent of GET.DOCUMENT(35).
19 Name of the user with current write permission for the workbook. This is the equivalent of GET.DOCUMENT(36).
20 Number corresponding to the file type of the document as displayed in the Save As dialog box. This is the equivalent of GET.DOCUMENT(37).
21 TRUE if the Always Create Backup check box is selected in the Save Options dialog box; otherwise, FALSE. This is the equivalent of GET.DOCUMENT(40).
22 TRUE if the Save External Link Values check box is selected in the Calculation tab of the Options dialog box. This is the equivalent of GET.DOCUMENT(43).
23 TRUE if the workbook has a PowerTalk mailer; otherwise, FALSE. Returns #N/A if no OCE mailer is installed.
24 TRUE if changes have been made to the workbook since the last time it was saved; FALSE if book is unchanged (or when closed, will not prompt to be saved).
25 The recipients on the To line of a PowerTalk mailer, as a horizontal array of text.
26 The recipients on the Cc line of a PowerTalk mailer, as a horizontal array of text.
27 The recipients on the Bcc line of a PowerTalk mailer, as a horizontal array of text.
28 The subject of the PowerTalk mailer, as text.
29 The enclosures of the PowerTalk mailer, as a horizontal array of text.
30 TRUE, if the PowerTalk mailer has been received from another user (as opposed to just being added but not sent). FALSE, if the mailer has not been received from another user.
31 The date and time the PowerTalk mailer was sent, as a serial number. Returns the #N/A error value if the mailer has not yet been sent.
32 The sender name of the PowerTalk mailer, as text. Returns the #N/A error value if the mailer has not yet been sent.
33 The title of the workbook as displayed on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box, as text.
34 The subject of the workbook as displayed on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box, as text.
35 The author of the workbook as displayed on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box, as text.
36 The keywords for the workbook as displayed on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box, as text.
37 The comments for the workbook as displayed on the Summary tab of the Properties dialog box, as text.
38 The name of the active sheet.

※13 - Status of the workbook routing slip

type Discription
0 Unrouted
1 Routing in progress, or the workbook has been routed to a user
2 Routing is finished